Periodic Pet Letters to your Tenants
When landlords allow pets , they usually require that tenants sign a copy of pet rules or a pet agreement. However, many of us don't always obey all the rules or keep every part of our agreements. Landlords will invariably have tenants who don't clean up after their pets, who let their pets walk around outside without a leash, or who have pets that create noise disturbances. There are many different ways landlords try to get people to comply with pet rules or agreement s. One effective strategy is to send a letter periodically reminding everyone of the importance of complying with pet rules or agreement s and point out how noncompliance disturbs neighbors and increases maintenance costs. Benefits of Letter Sending a letter reminds pet owners of the responsibilities they accepted under the pet rules or agreement and how their noncompliance causes problems for everyone . Informing tenants of the problems they may be causing will usually motivate them to change their behavior. In fact, don't be surprised if a letter leads a tenant to apologize for violations of the pet agreement and their promise to comply with the agreement in the future. Sending a letter to reminding residents with pets of their responsibilities also sends a message to their neighbors without pets that management is trying to make sure tenants with pets are following the rules. The letter should be friendly and sympathetic in tone, not confrontational. The letter should let tenants know that management values both them and their pets, but that everyone is expected to comply with the rules or agreement they signed. Here is an example of a letter that can be sent periodically. It encourages all residents to report violations of pet rules. It reminds residents with pets of their responsibilities under the pet rules or agreement. |