Do not start the quiz until page has fully loaded. If you choose a wrong answer for a question, you may make another choice. After completing the quiz, you may clear your answers and re-take the quiz by clicking the "Go" button of your browser. Refreshing your browser will not clear the answers. 1. Reasons for buying income
property do not include which of the following?
2. Reasons why you do not need a
real estate agent to find a duplex for purchase include all except which of
the following?
3. Items required for a legal
contract include all except which of the following?
4. A principal reason
for using a real estate agent to find a 48-unit apartment building for
purchase usually include which of the following?
5. The source of funds for the
down payment that would probably be least objectionable to a lender is:
6. Things to look for when analyzing a retail center
built before 1978 include all except which of
the following?
7. The least troublesome event
for property held in joint tenancy by two individuals is:
8. Which of the following would
probably be of least concern when purchasing a penthouse condominium built
before 1978?
9. Benefits
from maintaining good accounting records includes which of the following?
10. Advantages of investing in
commercial properties (compared to residential) include all except which of
the following?
11. For Sale signs offer the best
source of all types of available income properties.
12. Advantages of investing in
residential properties (compared to commercial) include which of the
13. Disadvantages of owning many
small income properties include all except which of the following?
14. Which of the following
inspections/reports are usually required by the lender for a commercial
15. Important items for
application forms includes all except which of the following?
16. Written contracts are required for purchase of real
estate because of the following?
17. The most important thing
regarding your purchase offer is:
18. The following are always
exempt from federal lead paint law except which one?
19. The purpose of an Estoppel
Certificate is:
20. The most important factor
determining the value of a commercial property is:
21. Which of the following
statements are true regarding Mortgages and Trust Deeds?:
22. Which of the following forms
of ownership has the worst income tax treatment?
23. Which of the following is allowed under federal fair housing law?
24. Which of the following
property exchanges is not allowed under Section 1031?
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